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Words, a suspended synchronization of sounds set to fly through air, stamp on paper, and ink in skin to make sense of this spinning simulation of space which engulfs us. They bring reason and purpose and fulfillment, yet recently I’ve begun to wonder whether they’ve lost some of their power. As a person who loves to spout superfluous words into my daily life, this topic touches home. The excess of words drowns my writing. The excess of words haunts my mind. My rampant tongue ceaselessly expatiates its excess of attention pleading speech.

But words yield so much importance in our lives. They collect and offer data. They inspire a life of purpose. Words communicate, baptize, protect, deliver. Words create compromise and understanding. They bring about passion, social change, and freedom. Yet, words can also destroy. Eliminate. Confuse and disrespect. Words can lie.

When words begin to overwhelm, no one listens. When we speak superfluously, people lose focus. When we speak of gossip or pain, people intuitively associate us to our chosen topic of discussion. In a way who we are reflects the words we bring into the world.

Today, the world offers us so. Many. Words. So many ideas and opinions and opportunities and temptations and social dilemmas and news and life. Whether we ask for them or not we’re bound to be berated. Words have and will probably always remain everywhere, hopelessly ingrained in our sight and constantly pleading for our attention. The words you choose to speak, manifest, ingest and proliferate matter. Choose sincerely. Choose succinctly.



Hi, thanks for stopping by!

My name is Hadley Krummel and am a fourth year at the University of Virginia. I am studying Cognitive Science, and I love to write.

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